(1st PPP Medical College In India under National Medical Commission Act )
    Supervised under Niti Aayog Approved By National Medical Commission
    (An initiative under PPP model with Government of West Bengal)
    Affiliated by West Bengal University Of Health Sciences
    Accredited by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
    & Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal.

  • From The Desk Of Faculty

    Prof (Dr) Nandita Basu
    MD(Path), DTM&H
    Professor& Head
    Department of Pathology

    Journey of Medical carrier began from CNMC, Kolkata. After graduation post graduate Diploma & Degree was obtained from School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata & subsequently from IPGME & R, Kolkata, under University of Calcutta. More than thirty-five years of teaching carrier at different UG & PG Colleges under WBMES, Govt of West Bengal, Department of Health & Family Welfare. After about fifteen years of teaching as Professor, Department of Pathology at different Medical Colleges, retired as Director School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata. Worked as Thesis guide & adjudicator for MD students. Examiner at University of Calcutta, WBUHS & other universities outside the state at UG & PG levels. Worked as MCI Inspector/ Assessor for more than ten years at UG & PG level for assessment at different Medical Colleges (UG/PG) in different states all over India. Worked as Principal investigator/Co investigator in different projects on health & research. More than sixty publications in different National & International Journals. Author of several chapters in different books: Worked in the fields of Histopathology, Cytology, Haematology & Molecular Biology, during this long tenure - first Public Cord Blood Bank & Department of Regenerative Medicine & Translational Science was established at School Of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata in 2014 & opened a new era in the field of Medical Research.

    Hailed from a middle class family at a village in the district of Burdwan the whole of my education was in Calcutta . Passed higher secondary from Hindu School in 1970 I was first admitted in Presidency College with honours in Physics but later left it to pursue MBBS course .Passed MBBS from Medical College , Calcutta in 1978 and thereafter joined West Bengal Health Service in 1982. I did my post graduation in Surgery M. S in General Surgery from IPGME&R, Calcutta and joined West Bengal Medical Education Service as R.M.O in Gen Surgery in Calcutta National Medical College in 1995.Later got promotional transfer to NRS Medical College as Asst. Professor. I was then transferred to Bankura Sammilani Medical College where I was promoted to Associate Prof. After serving more than 3 years in that College I was transferred again to NRS Medical College where I was promoted to Professor in 2008 and after few years I became the HOD of Surgery there. After that I served Murshidabad Medical College as HOD for brief period and came back to Calcutta in Calcutta National Medical College . Later I became the HOD of Surgery there and retired from that Institution in 2018. After retirement I served Agartala Govt Medical College & G.B Pant Hospital for few months and was reappointed in Calcutta National Medical College as Prof in Surgery upto 2020. I joined Santiniketan Medical College in March 2021 as HOD in Surgery and still continuing that. I was really surprised to see the infrastructure there and feel privileged and proud to be a part of this College. As HOD of Surgery I am looking forward to make it premier Institution not only of West Bengal but whole of India as well so that it could be Internationally recognised with state of the art technology and infrastructure so that rural people do not have to move from pillar to post to get the best and international level treatment in there home district as well as the students who will pass out from this College will not only be a good, technically superior ,ethical, knowledgeable, compassionate doctor ,scholar, researcher but also a good human being with good basic moral values., Thanks.
    Prof.(Dr.) Nemai C. Nath.

    Prof.(Dr.) Nemai C. Nath.
    HOD General Surgery


    Assistant Prof. Dr.Dinabandhu Mondal
    Dept. of Gen. Surgery Santiniketan Medical
    College & Hospitals, Bolpur,Birbhum

    I am an alumnus of R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospitals(Calcutta) and obtained M.S.(Gen. Surgery) from the same College under the University of Calcutta on 1985. I am an active Surgeon and performed well over thousands of operations of diverse nature with excellent results that won me high appreciations from the patients and public alike. I started my journey in the Dept. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of West Bengal more than 30 years ago. Which ended on December 2020 from Salt Lake Sub Division Hospital, Kolkata-64. I served as Surgeon in the Bolpur Sub Division Hospital(Sian),Birbhum, then Darjeeling District Hospital, District Darjeeling, lastly Salt Lake Sub Division, Salt Lake ,Kolkata 64. I am an active Life member of various academic Societies in India like Association Surgeons of India, Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India, Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India etc. I am also active Life member of Indian Medical Association and attached with various medico- social activities. Education has been my passion. I conducted several professional Conferences, CME and workshops of National, State and Regional level. But patient safety and safe Health care Training are number one priority for me. I as a lover of sports I am a life member of Indian Foot ball Association, Kolkata. I am proud to be associated with the Santiniketan Medical College, Bolpur, Birbhum from inception. I wish our College will achieve international standard very soon and will be one of the best Medical College in India.

    Came from middle class background from Rural Bankura, got schooling in Sehara Bazar in Burdwan . Passed Higher Secondary in 1982. Medical schooling was in prestigious CNMC, Kolkata and passed with many merit scholarships in 1987. Passed Diploma in Child Health (DCH) from reputed J N Medical College under Aligarh Muslim University. I did my MD in Pediatrics from LLRM Medical College, Meerut, UP, under Meerut University in 1993. Though I had very much liking in medical teaching, due to diverse reasons, I started my Clinical Practice in Burdwan from 1993. Career as Medical teacher started from IIMSAR, Haldia as assistant professor from 2013 and promoted as Associate Professor in the same Institute in 2017. Joined GIMSH, Durgapur as Associate professor in 2017 and got promoted as Professor of Pediatrics in the same institute in 2020. Now in My Santiniketan Medical College since February 2021. I am National Trainer in Many courses including Vaccinology, Advanced Neonatal Resuscitation Program, Pediatric Advanced Life Support(MAP) etc but my area of interest is Vaccinology, and Neonatal Resuscitation. Amongst many, I am present member of Advisory Committee on Vaccine and Immunization Practice (ACVIP) from East Zone and East zone member of advisory committee of our National Journal, Indian Pediatrics. College infrastructure has been built with astounding speed and at present facilities are very much optimal. We need to carry this forward so that the institute achieves a place of prominence in Medical Education as well as Treatment. I feel privileged and proud to be a part of this College.

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    Kripasindhu Chatterjee
    Professor & HOD,
    Department of Pediatrics

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    Prof. Ramendra Narayan Chaudhuri
    DMCW, MD ( Com. Medicine )
    Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine
    Santiniketan Medical College

    Prof. Ramendra Narayan Chaudhuri completed his MBBS from the Medical College, Calcutta and later obtained his post-graduate degrees - DMCW (Diploma in Maternity & Child Welfare) and M.D. (Community Medicine)from the All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health ( Govt. of India ) , Kolkata.
    Dr. Chaudhuri joined as Medical Officer, West Bengal Health Service in 1982and provided primary health care to the ruraland tribal communitiesof DistrictPurulia, WB. After serving the poor and marginalized sections in the remote areas of the district for nearly five years, he was appointed as Undergraduate Teacher as Lecturer in the Dept. of Community Medicine, Calcutta National Medical College and trained MBBS and Nursing students for five years.
    Through sheer dint of hard work and diligence, Dr. Chaudhuri quickly climbed the academic ladder to become the Post-Graduate Teacher and posted in All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health (Govt. of India ), Kolkata for teaching & Training Post Graduate Students of MD (Com. Medicine), MPH (Epidemiology), MVPH (Master in Veterinary Public Health), MEPH (Master of Engineering in Public health ), DPH, DMCW, DIH, M.Sc. (Applied Nutrition), Dip.Diet, DHE, DPHNetc.
    He also served as a training expert and resource person forshort term training coursesfor medical, nursing and paramedical students in different aspects of Community Health. Dr. Chaudhuriheld several prominent positions inthis National Institute of Eminence as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Director-Professor and Head of the Department in Different Disciplines of Community / Public Health e.g. Occupational Health, Maternal &Child Health, Epidemiology, Public Health Nursing etc.
    The education of doctors, nurses and Allied Health professionals in different aspects of Public Health was central to the vision of Dr. Chaudhuri. He superannuated from AIIH & PH, Kolkata after serving as Director of the Institute for about three years.

    Prof. Chaudhuri was an outstanding researcher and an astute Public Health Professional and produced some of the best epidemiological research in different disciplines of Community Health. He Acted as Research Guide for various types of Research studies undertaken by the post-graduate students in different aspects of Public Health – Occupational & Environmental Health ; Maternal & Child Health / Reproductive Health ; Epidemiology : Public Health Nutrition etc.
    As Principal Investigator he also Conducted the Research Projects on “ Evaluation of Environmental CO2 , NO2 , Benzene & Lead exposures of Kolkata population by Bio-monitoring techniques ” [Sponsored by Department of Environment , Govt. of West Bengal ] and “Study on Low-birth weight and Birth preparedness in the Dist. Of Purulia , W. B. ” [ Sponsored by Unicef , Kolkata ]
    He published 72 original research papers in national and international journals and contributed two Chapters in the Text book of Community & Social Paediatrics, edited by Dr. S. R. Banerjee and published by Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi.
    Prof. Chaudhuri visited Sweden as a Govt. of India nominated expert member to the “ SIDA - Maternal Health and Midwifery Improvement Project ” in 2005 His teaching & training career in different disciplines of Public Health extends for more than 33 years.
    Through his able leadership as Professor & Head, Dept. of Community Medicine, Santiniketan Medical College, the College will achieve major improvement not only in teaching & training programmes, but also incollaborative research in different aspects of Public Health in the rural & urban Community.His observations and theoretical insights will help the Community in unraveling many mysteries regarding the multidisciplinary factors associated with causation of illness and their mitigation in the Community and ultimately suggesting for delivery of Comprehensive Health Care in a holistic approach through different Community Health Development projects.