Journey of Medical carrier began from CNMC, Kolkata. After graduation post graduate Diploma & Degree was obtained from School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata & subsequently from IPGME & R, Kolkata, under University of Calcutta. More than thirty-five years of teaching carrier at different UG & PG Colleges under WBMES, Govt of West Bengal, Department of Health & Family Welfare. After about fifteen years of teaching as Professor, Department of Pathology at different Medical Colleges, retired as Director School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata. Worked as Thesis guide & adjudicator for MD students. Examiner at University of Calcutta, WBUHS & other universities outside the state at UG & PG levels. Worked as MCI Inspector/ Assessor for more than ten years at UG & PG level for assessment at different Medical Colleges (UG/PG) in different states all over India. Worked as Principal investigator/Co investigator in different projects on health & research. More than sixty publications in different National & International Journals. Author of several chapters in different books: Worked in the fields of Histopathology, Cytology, Haematology & Molecular Biology, during this long tenure - first Public Cord Blood Bank & Department of Regenerative Medicine & Translational Science was established at School Of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata in 2014 & opened a new era in the field of Medical Research.